Crashing Birds

Birds > Crashing Birds

2019 - 2021


In late 2019 through early 2021 while living in New York City’s East Village, I made Crashing Birds Murmuration #1, a large graphite drawing of birds crashing into a window. Working on this piece in its entirety was emotionally draining. I had to work in six- inch increments. This drawing is about the incomprehensible and about everything we all experienced during quarantine: fear, loneliness, grief, ambiguous loss, and yearning. As an allegory, the birds smash against a surface they didn’t see. What they did see was what was through and beyond the glass. Interactively, the invisible window is the only plane of separation between the viewer and the birds. The pane of glass was not drawn, but the viewer either allows it to be there, or they do not. I wanted to explore the physicality of this kind of looking at the world, not just its fatal consequences.

I found Christopher Bollas’ poetic idea of the “unthought known,” and I asked myself whether a collective pandemic experience is enough to reveal to us that we share all of these emotions as well as core beliefs that connect us to each other even if they are not consciously known.

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