Queer Birds
Birds and especially chickens are often the subjects of kitsch. The iconography of most kitsch relies on hetero- normative stereotypes and pejorative epithets for what is outside of those norms. Gynandromorphism is the scientific term to label organisms that carry both male and female sexual characteristics in different parts of their body. It was first used in 1890. Today when used in a medical framework it refers to an “abnormal individual…a sexual mosaic.”
I drew these postcard sized non-binary birds as a donation to the Woodson Art Museum’s auction. I hope they will delight and broaden the idea that biology is not limited by only two genders.
I had so much fun drawing these sassy birds. I hope they make you laugh out loud. They are truly characters awaiting ….their own story book.
There is a greek expression that goes “the old hen has all the flavor.” in Italian they say , “the old hen makes the best broth.”
Take a moment to appreciate how full of themselves each of these chickens are !
See if you can find the chickens that pontificate, plot revenge, gossip, and flirt. Look for the ones that sneak away with the sterling silver or forge your father’s will, and there’s always one with a rain cloud over their head.